Refusal of a visa


for entry into Republic of Belarus

Belarus traditionally is famous for the hospitality. However in certain cases according to the Belarusian laws ambassadorial and consular establishments could be compelled to refuse to the foreigner issue of the entrance visa. And even if the visa is issued, employees of a border service have the right not to let the foreigner entry to Belarus under some circumstances.

That to prevent it, it is necessary to know causes of refuse to the foreigner of issue of visa or entry into Republic of Belarus:

  1. the foreigner violated rules of crossing of frontier or customs rules. However if violation will be  eliminated, entrance can be allowed to the foreigner;
  2. period of validity of the passport or other document for departure abroad comes to an end in 90 or less days prior to alleged departure from Belarus;
  3. the foreigner is condemned in Belarus or other country for a crime, and its criminal record is not removed or not extinguished;
  4. during stay in Belarus the foreigner was attracted to administrative responsibility within a year 2 times and more, thus its term yet did not expire;
  5. during stay in Belarus the foreigner was involved to administrative responsibility, was fined and did not pay a penalty to the put term;
  6. the foreigner cannot confirm that has the amount of money necessary for a covering of expenses on its stay in Belarus or cannot show a guarantee that the necessary amount will appear later;
  7. during the previous visit of the foreigner to Belarus expired term of its temporary stay;
  8. employees of ambassadorial and consular establishments, employees of a border service have suspicions that the foreigner can remain in Belarus after the termination of term of temporary stay;
  9. visit of the foreigner to Belarus threatens interests of a homeland security, protection of moral, a public order, the rights, freedoms or health of citizens of Belarus and other persons;

entrance to the foreigner to Belarus is limited according to the  determination of the participating countries of the international treaty or the international organization.

Also entry into Republic of Belarus can be forbidden, if:

  1. the foreigner provided counterfeit or false documents for receipt of a visa or specified false data. Besides, the issue of visa it can be refused if the provided documents do not conform to requirements of the Belarusian legislation;
  2. the foreigner consists in the list of the persons which entry into Belarus is forbidden or undesirable;
  3. the foreigner was declared by Republic of Belarus persona non grata – the person, whose entrance is unacceptable or undesirable;
  4. there are data that the foreigner is related to extremist or terrorist activity or consists in the extremist or terrorist organizations. Besides, entrance can be forbidden to the foreigners concerning smuggling of goods, traffic of drugs, the weapon, ammunition and explosives. Also will not be able to entry to Belarus the foreign citizens involved in human trafficking or to the organization of illegal migration;
  5. the foreigner has no the insurance issued by the Belarusian or foreign insurance company, working at the territory of  Belarus;
  6. the foreigner has a disease which is posing hazard to life and health of citizens of Belarus.

To avoid refusal in issue of visa for entry into Belarus, it is necessary to take mindfully  the preparation of required documents for its registration. If you have doubts in something, address for explanations to the staff of diplomatic institutions or representatives of the accepting organization. They will give irrefragable answers "firsthand" and will help you to prepare documents.

For more information, please, send your request to our e-mail.


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